Four Benefits Of A Wellpoint Dewatering System

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Mary's Heavy Construction Equipment Blog

Welcome to my corner of the internet. My name is Mary, and this blog is going to be focused around heavy construction equipment. Years ago, my husband and I ran a construction company together. Now we're semi-retired, and for the last ten years, we have been doing a bit of freelance work. I miss the big machines, and I decided to start a blog about it. If you work with heavy construction equipment on a regular basis, I plan to have tips and ideas in this blog that are designed to help you. I invite you to grab a cup of tea, get comfortable and explore these posts. Thanks for reading!


Four Benefits Of A Wellpoint Dewatering System

13 April 2022
 Categories: , Blog

A wellpoint dewatering system is a ground-water control technique that uses a series of small-diameter wells along an excavation perimeter. The water from the dewatering system is pumped through suction lines and into a sump pump that discharges it to a safe location.

The wellpoint dewatering system is comprised of a network of vertical pipes attached to a vacuum pump. 

Benefits Of A Wellpoint Dewatering System:

1. A Wellpoint Dewatering System Works With High Water

The first benefit is that wellpoint dewatering works very well with relatively high water levels. If you have some ground that has very high levels of water in it, this method can be used to drain the water out before embarking on whatever project you need to complete in that location. When there is a lot of water, it may not be possible for you to construct anything over it because of the instability of the soil. Any structure built over unstable soil is likely to collapse at some point or become structurally unsound and damaged. You can avoid this problem by draining out the excess water with a wellpoint dewatering system

2. A Wellpoint Dewatering System Is Cost-Effective 

When compared to traditional dewatering pumps, wellpoint dewatering systems are an effective and economical means of groundwater control. A wellpoint dewatering system is made up of the main pump that pumps to one or more wells. The wells are connected by piping and draw water from the ground. The main pump has the capacity to move large amounts of water quickly and efficiently. A typical wellpoint dewatering system has one main pump, but there may be more than one depending on the size and type of construction work going on at any given time.

3. A Wellpoint Dewatering System Can Remove Large Volumes Of Groundwater

One of the biggest advantages of using a wellpoint dewatering system for construction sites is that it can quickly remove high volumes of groundwater from an area in order to lower groundwater levels enough so that construction can begin. For example, if you have several weeks' worth of rain that has caused your construction site to be saturated with water, you could use a wellpoint dewatering system to quickly remove this water before it causes any damage to your site or delays in your construction schedule.

4. A Wellpoint Dewatering System Is Easy To Install

Wellpoint dewatering is an innovative method that makes use of perforated pipes with sand points or wellpoints in the ground. The wellpoints are attached to a header pipe and connected to a vacuum pump. The vacuum pump creates suction in the header pipe, which draws out water from the soil and collects it into a tank for disposal.

The main advantage of this system is that it can be installed easily. Unlike other systems where you have to dig trenches, wellpoint dewatering does not require any excavation work. All you need is a hole for installing the wellpoint. This makes it extremely suitable for areas that are densely populated, as it causes minimal disturbance.

For more information on dewatering pumps and whether a wellpoint dewatering system is right for your project, get in touch with a construction professional today.