Is Time to Invest in New Crane Equipment for Your Construction Business?

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Mary's Heavy Construction Equipment Blog

Welcome to my corner of the internet. My name is Mary, and this blog is going to be focused around heavy construction equipment. Years ago, my husband and I ran a construction company together. Now we're semi-retired, and for the last ten years, we have been doing a bit of freelance work. I miss the big machines, and I decided to start a blog about it. If you work with heavy construction equipment on a regular basis, I plan to have tips and ideas in this blog that are designed to help you. I invite you to grab a cup of tea, get comfortable and explore these posts. Thanks for reading!


Is Time to Invest in New Crane Equipment for Your Construction Business?

30 November 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Cranes simplify rigging operations on construction sites. They allow you to move heavy materials and equipment from one location on the site to another. Cranes have a limited usable life, depending on how well you maintain them. However, a crane may exhibit signs of mechanical failure before the expected end of its life. So how do you know it's time to invest in new equipment for your business? Here are the top signs to look out for. 

Multiple costly repairs

You know it's time to ditch your crane when you're paying out a lot of money in repairs. The nature of rigging operations means crane equipment may require minor repairs regularly. Common repairs include fixing fluid leaks, replacing worn rigging ropes and attachments and repairing minor braking components. However, if you find yourself repairing large structural or mechanical components multiple times, it may be time to invest in a new crane.

Critical systems such as the braking system, hydraulics and electrical system can cost a lot of money to replace. These are essential parts that should be working at all times for the crane to work efficiently. Additionally, if they aren't working, you will incur huge downtime, which will affect efficiency and output. The losses resulting from failing components outweigh the costs of investing in a new crane. Replacing the equipment saves you the money that you would use in multiple repairs. 

Increased rigging hazards

Worker safety should be a priority on construction sites. During rigging, workers can get injured by falling materials and failed cranes. The risk of these accidents significantly increases when using a failing crane. Wear resulting from poor maintenance or old age can lead to crane failure. This increases rigging hazards on your construction sites.

If you have experienced a few accidents resulting from your crane, it may be time to rethink its operations. SWA has provided guidelines for maintaining and inspecting cranes before use. If your equipment doesn't pass the inspections even after maintenance, consider replacing it. Failure to do so may lead to fatal injuries on the site.

Operation inefficiencies

How efficient is your crane in carrying out rigging operations? Are the functions slower due to old or worn components? Do the pushbuttons and levers respond as swiftly as they used to, or do they get stuck mid-rig? If your crane isn't performing as well as it used to, it may be time to replace it. As equipment ages, it experiences structural, mechanical and electrical wear. The components are no longer as efficient as they used to.

When deciding whether to replace your inefficient crane, think about its effects on your overall output. Are projects taking longer to complete due to these inefficiencies? Are you experiencing downtime due to numerous repairs and servicing? Extended project times and increased downtime can hurt your business. While investing in another crane may be costly, it can significantly boost operations and encourage business growth.

Obsolete technology

Crane technology has changed over the last few decades. If your equipment is over ten years old, there's a chance it has become obsolete. Traditional cranes were designed to perform rigging tasks using basic components. There wasn't much in technology. However, today's cranes come with advanced controls and technology meant to enhance lifting operations, save time and reduce accidents on the site. Some of these technologies include:

  • Versatile cranes for a broad range of rigging operations
  • Controls that calculate lifting capacity for every boom position
  • Boom boosters for higher lifting capacities
  • Telematics, which provides useful equipment data to riggers
  • Wireless camera systems for remote monitoring, recording and analytics

Investing in a crane with modern technology can be incredibly useful to your business. Technology improves rigging operations, increases capacity and provides valuable data for future rigging operations.

One way to avoid getting stuck with old, worn and obsolete equipment is by choosing crane rentals. Renting allow you to access efficient and high-quality equipment with the latest technology. Contact a crane rental company for assistance!