7 Safety Tips for Handling Rigging Equipment

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Mary's Heavy Construction Equipment Blog

Welcome to my corner of the internet. My name is Mary, and this blog is going to be focused around heavy construction equipment. Years ago, my husband and I ran a construction company together. Now we're semi-retired, and for the last ten years, we have been doing a bit of freelance work. I miss the big machines, and I decided to start a blog about it. If you work with heavy construction equipment on a regular basis, I plan to have tips and ideas in this blog that are designed to help you. I invite you to grab a cup of tea, get comfortable and explore these posts. Thanks for reading!


7 Safety Tips for Handling Rigging Equipment

1 April 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Operation of rigging machinery is an intense operation that requires intense preparation along with focus to ensure it meets the set objectives while ensuring the safety of equipment, people and the property. Because the process involves lifting very heavy objects, the risk level is very high. 

Here are seven safety tips while using rigging equipment.

#1. Inspection Before use, it is vital for an expert to thoroughly inspect the equipment. A diligent inspection will help ensure the safety of the equipment. This inspection should be undertaken before every shift of use. 

In case a potential or actual malfunction is discovered, it should be treated as very dangerous and not ignored. All defective hardware should not be used and should be repaired ASAP or discarded if it is beyond repair.

#2. Understand Instructions Before proceeding to use the rig, make sure you and all your staff understand the instructions and safe working conditions of the equipment. Know the highest amount of weight it can lift, any expected types of hitches, angles and lengths the rig is based on and all other related information. This will prevent the chances of accidents resulting from ignorant decisions. 

Work with the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations on use and storage. This will ensure longevity of the equipment.

#3. Servicing Regular servicing and inspection will ensure the equipment functions smoothly, and any parts that need replacement of reinforcement will be identified and fixed. 

#4. Qualified Personnel Every worker at a job site should be fully aware of all safety precaution an action involved in rigging. The staff working with rigs should all be trained to comply with all the procedures and instructions. A professional rigger will have the right knowledge to anticipate problems before they happen and take the necessary action. 

#5. Document Technical Issues If a machine develops any technical problems that may result in malfunctioning, it should be decommissioned or taken in for thorough servicing and maintenance. The documentation policy is vital in instances where multiple operators may be working on the same site. 

#6. Land All Loads You should never leave a load suspended when the machine is off. If the hoist is unsupervised, the loads should all be loaded. In addition, always confirm that the landing area is clear before making the landing. 

#7. Safe Storage of the Hoist or Hook Once you complete working on a job, ensure you store all of the rigging equipment in a safe place where it does not create a hazard for people or could be damaged by harsh weather condition. Proactive inspection of the equipment will prevent accidents. 

Rigging, if done incorrectly, can be incredibly dangerous. Not only can a dropped load cause property damage, but it can also lead to a fatality or serious injury should it hit someone. Knowing how to identify a potential hazard, proper use of the equipment and adequate inspection along with the above tips will ensure workplace safety when rigging.